Paper presentation at the 6th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE)

We presented our findings on "Kinematic Modelling of a Tri Robot Machining Cell" at the ICCRE2021.

HKPC Forum - Accelerating Reindustrialisation in HK

We shared the major projects and funding that helped shape our company, and our outlook on the future of orthopaedics, metal 3D printing and decentralised manufacturing.

ISO13485:2016 Certification

After a thorough process of auditing, the company acquires its ISO13485:2016 certification, as a continuous effort in setting standards for quality assurance in a relatively new industry.

Hospital Authority Webinar

Company sharing on 3D medical printing and insights on GBA outlooks on HA Webinar session. (Jan 2021)

Future Production Site - MARS Centre

Koln 3D's rental tender for the refurbished MARS Centre at Tai Po Industrial Estate has been approved. Our current production site at HKSTP will be relocated to Tai Po. With 5-times the working space, new machines, production lines and jobs will be introduced. We expect enhanced consistency and efficiency with production, as well as an increased variety of research/educational projects with our collaborators.